+ Why Camp Varsity?

We strongly believe that kids need Camp now more than ever: care, connection with nature, connections with friends, fresh air, opportunities for new experiences, learning new skills, laughter and getting muddy.


+ When is registration?

Registration typically opens mid January. Be sure to sign up on our mailing list to receive information regarding upcoming registration. You can also check back on our homepage - the "Application" button will be available and active on registration day.


+ How does registration work?

Our application becomes available on our website on registration day. Your camper’s spot is reserved only after you have completed the online registration, received a confirmation email (typically takes 1-2 weeks), and paid your campers deposit. Applications are enrolled by the order in which they are received. Spots are limited and fill up very fast.


+ My camper is on the waitlist. How does this work?

If your camper is on our wait list, their enrollment status will be determined by the order in which the application was received. Our wait lists are fluid throughout the year, as many families change plans and spaces open up even through the summer. We take campers off the waitlist on a first come, first served basis which means the earlier you sign up the better! If a space opens up for your camper we will contact you to verify that you still would like to enroll them.


+ What is your cancellation policy?

If you cancel your camper’s registration on or before April 1, we will issue you a refund of all payments made, less the $50 non-refundable registration fee. Beginning April 2, no refunds will be issued.

All camp balances are due by June 1. If your camper’s balance is not paid in full by June 1, we will begin to fill the spot with the waitlisted campers.


+ What if our summer plans change?

As long as there is room in another week that you would like to switch to, we are happy to accomodate! The cancellation policy still applies however. No refunds will be issued after April 1, because of changes to your schedule, including vacations, summer school, sports, unexpected family visits, etc.


+ Is Camp Varsity completely outdoors?

Most of our day is spent entirely outdoors, even our evenings after dinner! In cases of severe and inclement weather, we have the ability to utilize a large open-air screened in pavilion and our spacious Lodge for various indoor activities as needed. Campers get an early afternoon hour long rest period in their cabin each day.


+ What does Camp "un-plugged" mean?

We are passionate about sharing an authentic, low-tech outdoor Camp experience for kids that is free as much as possible from the distractions of technology, cell phones, and social media. This means our campers leave cell phones, laptops, and digital devices at home. Camp un-plugged allows our Staff to do their best job, and our campers to "do camp" fully engaged in the way that feels best for them. Research is there to back up the importance of taking time to unplug, but we get to see it first hand every day at Camp. Our program is designed in a way that campers are able create incredibly fun, meaningful, present and in-the moment connections with each other, the Camp community, and with nature.


+ Is Camp Varsity a church based camp?

Camp Varsity is not aligned with a religious instution and is not a faith based summer camp. A blessing of gratitude and "thanks for the food and those who grew it and prepared it" is expressed before meals. Camper's who stay over the weekend attend an activity called "Camp Church", however this is not religious in nature and includes singing songs, play instruments, and Staff get a chance to share meaningful moments about Camp. We welcome Staff and campers from all walks of life and backgrounds.


+ What happens when it rains?

Well, that depends! When it rains, we often take it as an opportunity for fun in the rain! Often times, it can be a challenge. In our experience, kids still have a great time being outdoors in the rain. We have plenty of covered spaces along with natural rain coverage when kids need a break from rain. We monitor weather at Camp closely, so in the event of dangerous storms or weather, we are able to quickly and safely move indoors into cabins, the Lodge, or our large covered, screened Pavilion.


+ Do campers swim every day?

Campers get a chance to have unstructured "free swim" time, twice a day. We call this time "Free Swim" but really just means that our Waterfront is open for campers to choose to swim, canoe, paddleboard, fish, throw the frisbee, or relax by the lake with friends. Campers are also given activities each day that involve the lake and water play.


+ Is the Lake water ok to swim in?

Our lake water is managed by a local, professional lake management company. The water is tested and treated as needed in order to keep the water safe for swimming. In addition to testing and treatment, our lake has an aeration and bubbler system to help maintain dissolved oxygen levels and water movement throughout the year.


+ What if my camper is a non-swimmer or not a strong swimmer?

That's ok! Please make sure to communicate this to our Staff during the check-in process. Our Staff reviews this information each week so we are aware of campers needs and that we can modify, adjust and ensure appropriate measures are in place.


+ What happens if my camper has a birthday at Camp?

We celebrate birthdays at Camp with a special birthday treat for your camper and their cabin-mates and birthday singing. Your campers counselors make sure that the day is special!


+ What if I have a specific confidential concern about my camper?

Please reach out to the Directors. Safety and comfort of our campers is incredibly important to us, so discussing any concerns or habits (bedwetting, anxiety, sleepwalking, non-swimming, etc) is crucial so that we are prepared to handle situations that may arise. This communication helps us make sure your camper is supported at Camp for a great week. Please know that we handle these issues with sensativity and respect.


+ How do I cancel or change my campers week?

Please email us at


+ I will not be the person picking up my camper. Do I need to notify the Camp office?

Yes. For safety reasons, we cannot send your camper home with another adult, family member, camper family, etc unless you have notified us in writing. Please email us at


+ My child has never gone to summer camp. What can I do to prepare them?

Lots! See our suggestions here.


+ Do you have a packing list?

Yes - and a printable option here


+ Who are the counselors?

All of our counselors are former campers themselves! Each year, new counselor positions (first year counselors in training) are offered to former campers through a selection process - it is a collective and extremely thoughtful effort between our Staffing Director, the Leadership Team, and our Senior Counselors that build our full Camp Staff.


+ Do you have a nurse at Camp?

We have an amazing Registered Nurse (RN) who is our Head Nurse and lives off-site, but close-by, for the duration of Camp. A Camp RN is present each weekend for camper arrival days for sign-in/medical check in. We also have an additional wonderful medical provider off-site who is available to offer our team for expertise and support for the duration of the summer.

Many of our Staff are certified in CPR, AED, First Aid and some have gone through Wilderness First Aid trainings and Epi trainings.

All counselors undergo Camp medical, safety, and First Aid training at Camp as part of Staff training leading up to Camp.


+ What if my camper gets sick at Camp?

Any campers or Staff feeling unwell will go to a Camp designated medical area to be evaluated. Any camper exhibiting symptoms of illness will remain in our Camp Clinic and we'll reach out to you to talk about a plan of care. Campers must have an available emergency medical contact (family, caretaker, or otherwise) that is able to get to Camp within 6 hours.


+ What happens if a camper or a Staff member tests positive for Covid-19 or gets sick before Camp?

  • Please reach out to us if your camper gets sick within the week prior to Camp arrival so we can come up with a healthy arrive to Camp plan. In order for your camper to check into Camp, they will need to be symptom free for 72 hours (and without a fever for that time), along with a doctor's note that clears them for Camp indicating they are no longer contagious.


+ What if my camper has specific medical conditions and needs?

If your camper has a severe pre-existing medical condition(s), please contact the Camp Directors. Parents/caretakers of campers with higher medical risk will be asked to consult with a medical provider to assess their personal risk and determine if attendance to Camp is acceptable and appropriate. A physician's note may be necessary.


+ How are medications handled?

All medications are required to be submitted to our Medical Team during camper check-in. If your camper will take perscription or non-perscription medication to Camp, you must bring with you to Camp a Medication Authorization Form filled out and signed by your child's physician. All medications must be in their original container with campers first and last name. With the exception of personal inhalers and epi-pens, all medications are kept in a locking cabinet in our Nursing Station accessible only by authorized Staff.

All prescriptions will be followed according to your campers physician's orders and any deviations from those must be approved by the physician. The Medical Team (under the supervision of the Camp R.N.) and authorized Staff maintain a daily medical log to document medications taken. All medications are returned to you the day of camper pickup. We do not hold forgotten or left behind medications at Camp.

We stock generic over-the-counter medications and first aid supplies in our Camp Clinic, as well two additional First Aid Stations at Camp. Only approved OTC's for your camper will be used if needed.


+ Where is the nearest hospital?

In case of medical emergencies, our closest two hospitals are: The Culpeper Medical Center,located 20 miles away and The University Hospital at UVA in Charlottesville, located approximately 35 miles from Camp.


+ How are campers grouped?

Campers are grouped by age and gender into cabins. Your camper moves throughout the day with their designated cabin group. The ages per cabin can vary from season to season depending on applicants, but in general the age breakdown is: Ages 8-9, Ages 10-11, Ages 12-13, Ages 14-15.


+ Where do Staff sleep?

All Camp Counselors along with Camp Assistant Directors sleep in the seperate counselor porch within their assigned cabin for the summer. Camp Co/owners, Director Team and leadership Staff all live onsite for the duration of the season in private housing. A few of our additional support Staff live locally, nearby.


+ Do you perform Staff background checks?

All Camp Varsity Staff age 18 and up pass yearly background checks which includes sex-offender status and driver record checks.


+ What is the Camp schedule each day?

For most of the day, campers will remain with their cabin throughout the day during activities. Some activities allow for multiple cabin groups together.

Take a look at our typical Camp Schedule here.


+ Will my camper ever be alone?

We practice a buddy system at Camp. A Camper must have a buddy with them if they need to leave to group to use the restroom as well as a buddy with them when they are in the Waterfront Area. Majority of activities throughout the day are cabin-centered, which means your camper will remain with their group.


+ What is the food like?

Camp meals are tasty and homestyle with a focus on fresh ingredients to keep our Staff and campers fueled up and healthy. We have carried on some traditional Camp favorites, but we also like to shake it up and try new things! We are very capable and used to adapting meals for various food needs and special diets. Read more about our Camp food here.


+ How will we know if our kids are ok?

We understand how uncomfortable it can be to be out of touch with your kids. We are really good communicators! Anytime there is something amiss that is brought to our attention regarding a camper's well being and safety we are in touch with camper families and/or caretakers. Our Staff are really good at what they do: they are dialed into their campers and pay close attention to individual behaviors and group dynamics. We also do not mind you reaching out to check in with us, we are happy to update you! We highly encourage good old fashioned snail mail for your campers to recieve, and campers have opportunities to write home too. Recieving and mailing letters at Camp is a cherished and very cool Camp tradition!


+ When can we visit?

We welcome visits from family members of campers who are staying more than one week. Camper visitation is on Saturday's between 12-4 p.m. We are unable to accomodate camper visitations during our camp week.


+ How does Camp Varsity communicate with Camp families?

Any essential information regarding summer and adjustments to our program or policies will be sent via email. Should any emergency or concerning situation arise during the week for your camper, we will call you directly. If you have essential information you need to communicate with us, please call the Camp line to speak with the Directors and follow up with an email if needed.

Camp families or interested families sometimes try to communicate with us over social media. We have chosen not to recieve messages over our social media pages as it has proven to be a difficult task to monitor and can be very inconsistent. Please call or email us. If you reach our voicemail, please leave us a message so we can get back to you as soon as we can!